
12-year old boy shows amazing brilliance, set to graduate College and high school in same week


By Jennifer Ugwueke

A 12-year-old boy in the United States (US) has proved hard work pays as he is set to graduate from high school and college within the same week.

Mike Wimmer from North Carolina reportedly used the COVID-19 pandemic period to take a few extra classes and, in the process, completed two years of high school and a two-year associate’s degree, all within one year.

According to a report by CNN, the brilliant boy is set to graduate from Rowan-Cabarrus Community College on May 21, and thereafter Concord Academy High School on May 28. The young boy revealed it was not his plan to finish complete his studies earlier than expected, but he took the opportunity well when he realised he had the chance to do so. Wimmer revealed he interacted well with his former classmates despite being younger than them. Wimmer’s future plans The intelligent boy said he wants to venture into robotics in future, given his love for technology. The soon-to-be graduate said he gained his robotic knowledge online through some trial and error and also from online videos.

Through his first grasp of knowledge, Wimmer has launched his own start-up company named Reflect Social. The platform combines popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, YouTube and Twitch with the Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

The boy’s parents said they were proud of their son’s success at such a young age. His mother Melissa Wimmer said: “If one door’s locked, he’ll find out another way around to figure out how to accomplish his goals.” Wimmer said he would weigh his options on looking for a job or exploring opportunities to expand his start-up after graduation.

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